Now that we’ve got the blog working properly, I’ve not been very motivated to post. And it’s mainly because I haven’t had any “wow’s” to write about. I like to share with you the wonderful things I’ve discovered be it a new art process, a delicious recipe, or a great sight to behold.
Nothing like that has happened recently! So I haven’t been inspired to write for you. Who knows what I’ll discover tomorrow, and if it hits me big, you’ll be sure to hear about it. Today I have written up a couple of little “finds” that have come my way.
Back in January Jane Davies came to Tucson and gave a “Paper Quilt” workshop for PaperWorks. We printed on all kinds of papers with a Gelli Plate and then combined fabric and the printed papers to create sweet little collage quilts. I enjoyed the process and the results were satisfying. They take a lot less time to make than regular quilts. If you haven’t heard of Gelli Plates, do check them out on-line. They are a great monoprinting tool.

Gelli printed papers and scraps of fabric stitched and glued on to fabric. Paper glued and wrapped on to the quilt to finish raw edges
Thursday, a small group of art friends met at Carolyn DuPont’s home and played around with alcohol inks. I decided to use the inks to color valentines made with aluminum tape hearts. I cut the heart shapes from mat board scraps, covered them with the aluminum tape and then drew designs on them with an embossing tool. I dropped alcohol inks (Adirondack and Copic) to color the metal and then finished off with clear Krylon spray. There are lots of instructions on-line for using alcohol inks.